Sunday, August 19, 2012

Markus Strömbergsson has quit international officiating

Sweden's Markus Strömbergsson has stopped his career as international FIFA referee for personal reasons, since he found himself unable to combine international refereeing with his private life including both job and family. Therefore, he will solely handle domestic matches in future.

He was suddenly removed from FIFA's international officials' database and did not appear in the current UEFA Elite Development Group anymore either.

1975 born Strömbergsson accompanied Jonas Eriksson at UEFA EURO 2012 as additional assistant referee. In addition, he was on the first prospective list for 2014 FIFA World Cup which included a nomination for 2011 FIFA U20 World Cup Colombia, where he oversaw three matches. His only Champions League match was Bayern München - Villarreal. Moreover, his brother Martin is ranked in UEFA's Second Group of referees.
First signs that indicated certain crudities were visible in the last UEFA season, when he had been appointed for a Europe League clash between Sporting and Lazio Roma, where Serge Gumienny suddenly replaced him. Besides, Jonas Eriksson had to replace him once in UEFA Champions League which led to four CL matches in last year's group stage for the Swedish no.1.

The current UEFA Referee Categories can be found here.

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