Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy New year quotes 2014

A new book is waiting for me. Nothing has ever been written on this book. I am going to write success, happiness, joy, love, health and prosperity in this book called New year!
~ Joseph Welsh
Happy New year quotes 2014
Happy New year quotes 2014
Don't worry if you made mistakes. Don't loose patience if you think you really messed up. Just keep your mind on the higher things and believe in the opportunity that the new year is bringing.
~ Aaron Trough

There is a reward waiting in the new year for every bit of hard work you went through last year. There is love waiting for every bit of argument, quarrel and hatred you went through. Stay hopeful.
~ Joyner Vern

This new year I am making it a
point to be a winner and have a positive mindset. This year is my year to rise to a new level of goodness. There is so much of happiness waiting for me on the other side.
~ Lionel Jean

The old is passing away and the new things are on their way. The best days of my life are still standing in front of me.
~ Casey Loyal

I quit being the old me who used to be negative and used to get disappointed easily. The new man inside me full of energy, enthusiasm and joy. There is nothing that can hold me down this year.
~ Benny Mire

Last year was really bad and I thought I would not make it through it. But thank God it is finally over. This new year will give rise to new things and I can't wait to experience it.
~ Dane Missy

There are new people, new opportunities and chances that you will find. Train your mind in advance to live each day of the new year with an unbeatable mindset which will take you closer to your destiny.
~ York Wild

I am brimming with excitement and a new found vigor. The new year is something that I have been waiting for to turn up to a new chapter in life. Here it finally is.
~ Damien Sloan

Make all your good dreams come true this year and all that you hope for come into being. May you be happy and joyful. Happy New Year!
~ Ozzie Snipe

Next Page: Best quotes from 2013

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