Monday, January 20, 2014

Good Afternoon Quotes

Sometimes you don't start with saying good morning because its far better than that. It is when you have the luxury of sleeping through it all into the afternoon.
~ Gale Strong

Good Afternoon Quotes
Good Afternoon Quotes

What can be a better way to start an afternoon than to sunbathe by the beach under an umbrella sipping pina colada? I like Sunday afternoons!
~ Winie Sure

Be bright like the afternoon sun and let everyone who sees you feel inspired by all the great things you do. You have one life here on earth. Make it count in whatever way you can.
~ Delna Rose

Good afternoon guys, just remember that no matter where you are right now focus and a positive mindset can lead you to where you want to be in life.
~ Allan Thicke

Are you stuck again on an afternoon with nothing to do? Start with your dreams, decide
where you want to be and create a plan to reach there. Every little step will lead you closer to your destiny.
~ John Ross

Don't let this day pass you by without having a can do mindset. Think about victory and create a fire of motivation within you. Takeyour life back and become all that you have always wanted to be.
~ Eileen Shaw

Sometimes I reminisce about the chances I missed on a dull afternoon. Then I remind myself that I am not here by accident and I can still have opportunities to own. I take up a wining attitude and win through the day.
~ Oregon Mass

You could get a simple idea one afternoon that could completely change your life. Great innovators just needed one idea to change everything. Keep striving and you will reach success.
~ Doreen Bill

I had been waiting all day with hope and was not getting mad while others were getting frustrated at work. That positive mindset helped me through and I got promoted.
~ Gareth Law

Letting anger or worries take over your mind is like letting weeds grow in the garden. There is success, joy, happiness, love and peace waiting for you. You only need to have hope and a positive mindset.
~ Dawson James

If you have any more afternoon quotes, please add them here.

Next Page: Good Morning Quotes

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