Monday, March 10, 2014

Graduation quotes - Inspirational Funny

Here are some of the best graduation quotes that you will read. We have:
1. Inspirational quotes & 2. Funny quotes.

I have worked hard for this day and finally it has arrived. Today I am closer to my success than I have ever been. I am sure that I will succeed.
Graduation quotes
Graduation quotes
Every single project that I have completed and every exam that I wrote has made me a smarter person. Finally it is time to celebrate the results of all that hard work.
~ Ashley Kilt

A lot of students are looking at the
graduation day as the end of everything good. But I am determined to see this as  a new beginning to a new life of freedom and happiness.
~ Ferrari Mace

Graduation Quotes

You could look at this day as a way to get a new job or you could think big and create your own world and employ others for jobs.
~ Jefferey Wild

The first thing you need to do after graduation is make a list of the things that you really want as your career or in your business. Then check the things that you need to make it happen.
~ Anton Pfizer

Don't ever get discouraged and keep being your best in every thing that you do. As you plant your seeds of efforts you will find that all good things happen steadily.
~ Michael Pond

Do all things with excellence and enthusiasm. It is not just a one deal in life... not even something that happens once in a blue moon. Excellence is a habit which can make you very successful.
~ Tommy Bryce

Keep living the dream that you always dreamed but don't make the mistake of avoiding the little pleasures that come your way.
~ Monk Lloyd

Funny graduation quotes
Your family and close people are very happy and satisfied with you. This is the best time for you to go to them and ask for money ; )
~ Tony None

Always remember that you are in a world full of aggression and passion. If you are not fired up with passion you will be FIRED with passion.
~ Grace Wright

If life ever gets boring remember that nothing is worse than a lecture. It usually has a professor who talks non stop in someone else's sleep.
~ Melanie Voice

You will usually hear people using the word "Godspeed" during your convocation or graduation ceremony. What they are really trying to say is that you should get lost and will not be allowed at the current prices since fees have increased.
~ Althea Troy

Wonder where I would be without these 3 keys to graduate. We all ought to thank Google, Wikipedia and red bull for helping us reach this day.
~ Veronica Gates

More quotes
I will be missing all you friends and teachers. The next few days are not going to be the same and I will still be thinking about all the fun we had in school.
~ Melinda Dwight

Your may have graduated now but remember that education is a life long process and there is never enough known. That is because the world is still evolving.
~ Patrick Roads

Next Page: Top 10 hilarious school quotes

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