Sunday, November 17, 2013

Good Quotes

Goodness is a virtue that goes beyond the ordinary and it inspires people to go further than what they think possible. You need to make it your mission to find avenues which will lead to greatness.
~ Jean Rom
Life is good, good quotes, quotations and sayings which are good
Life is in Good Quotes
Keep stretching your limits and you will eventually find that there are none. You were meant for success and you can do anything that you want to as long as you have the determination to do it correctly.
~ Sarah Christian

He thought to himself about why just be normal when he can be good at what he does. He woke up with a new vigor and pushed until he reached new heights of success.
~ Robert Haley

Those who keep trying eventually pound the right door and enter their destiny. But there are those who get tired mid way and stop never realizing that the right door was the next one.
~ Tress Johnson

Sometimes all you need to do is get the thought in your mind and keep playing it over and over again. Your will then see your actions and your character build based on those little thoughts.
~ Violet Maid

Failure is a dangerous word to those who do not know how to extract the best out of the situation.
Its simple - Take the lesson, try again, apply the learning and succeed.
~ Shane Morley

There are events when timing is everything but in many other situations all we need to do is not worry about the time and start. You cannot always have a green signal when you are travelling on the road.
~ Bean Lorry

Don't let the routine conquer you as a person. Make sure that you are striving and making efforts to break old habits and build a character which goes far beyond.
~ Wayne Jackson

Darkness and sadness are a part of life but if you keep your focus on the light at the end of the road, you will make it to your destiny.
~ Jermaine Doge

As you keep progressing and designing a better and successful person inside you, you may face temptations to give up. But hold to the plan and the results will amaze you and those around you too.
~ Clarence Toys

Next Page: Good Morning Quotes and sayings

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