Monday, December 16, 2013

Life is good quotes

When you keep God first place and believe in him with all your heart no matter what the situation is good.
~ Owen Martin
Life is good quotes and happy sayings
Life is good quotes
Want to live the good life? In that case all you need to do is let go of the past, stop worrying about tomorrow and live in the present with a smile. The past is just a memory and the future will take care of itself.
~ Tony Williams

Don't keep thinking,
pondering, meditating or worrying. What you need to do is act, experience and live more. You only have limited number of days.
~ Bony Mistral

Life is a beach and we are building castles in the sand. One day all of it needs to go away but until then raise a hammock and sip coconut water as the sun shines down on your pretty face.
~ York Dons

Live life like you will not have another day. Make the most of it in the moment and spend time with the ones that matter the most. Give out with love and don't hold back. You will be happy you did.
~ Pecans Suarez

You have a choice to either believe that life goes on as it is or that every day is a miracle and a chance to live life as if you are lucky. When you choose the latter, good things are not very far.
~ Tristan Wallace

You don't have to live in the way you are right now. You can make your life better and have something even more beautiful. All you have to do is believe, speak and act towards it.
~ Ignatius Moran

To live a good life, you need to have good beliefs, surround yourself with good people, have good food to eat and a heart which always has a joyful song.
~ Virginia Shaw

What must I do live a good life?
We all want to live it and experience it. It may seem elusive to some and more than possible to the others. So what are the things that make life good?
1. Almighty God: In my belief I have always believed that the creator of the universe is responsible for our happiness and so we must keep him first place. 2. Healthy mind: Think positive thoughts and live a happy life. Everything starts in the mind and the seeds which are planted in the mind take root and bring to life what is thought. 3. Feel it: You need to feel happy and good about yourself. Treat yourself to something good. Make sure that you are following your dreams, setting goals for yourself from time to time and achieving them.

Have any more suggestions. Please comment and let us know.

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